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BOSO (2006) [PINOY] DVDRip XviD SoftEngSubs [Tagalog] WingTip ilyemy

BOSO (2006) [PINOY] DVDRip XviD softEngSubs [Tagalog] WingTip

BOSO (2006) [PINOY] DVDRip XviD softEngSubs [Tagalog] WingTip

References External links Category:2006 telenovelas Category:Philippine romantic drama television series Category:2005 Philippine television series debuts Category:2009 Philippine television series endings Category:The 5 Network shows Category:Filipino-language television programs Category:Television shows set in the Philippines Category:Television series by Viva TelevisionQ: Replace character while using regexp_substr I am trying to extract a value using REGEXP_SUBSTR and then replace it using the REPLACE function in SQL Server. The string is delimited by " - " and then it has a space following the " - " as well as a space between the last character and the end of the string. I am using the following command. select REGEXP_SUBSTR(a,'- ', 1, 1) + '|' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(a,'- ', '$'), '$', '|'),'- ', '|'),'- ', '|') + '|' + REGEXP_SUBSTR(a,'- ', 1, 1) from mytable; The following is the result I am looking for: $200,000|$|$|$150,000|$ Instead of the above, I am getting the following: $150,000|$|$|$150,000|$ I am using the REPLACE function because I am using $100,000 and $200,000. I am not sure how to get the above result. I am using the REPLACE function and it is working fine. Any suggestions? A: Two problems. The REGEXP_SUBSTR is returning the same value over and over. The REPLACE is replacing the entire string with the $, so the pattern never appears again. Remove the $ from your REGEXP_SUBSTR and replace the $ with | in the REPLACE. SQL Fiddle Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup: CREATE TABLE mytable ( a varchar2(256) ); INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('$100,000|$|$|$200

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BOSO (2006) [PINOY] DVDRip XviD SoftEngSubs [Tagalog] WingTip ilyemy

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